Cunic Homes, Built for you
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Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Contemporary home styling made easy!

When you think of a contemporary home, you instantly think perfect styling, light,
bright and breezy with lots of space and timber accents, a clean colour palette and a
bunch of different textures that look effortlessly gorgeous!

So how can you achieve this in your home?? Our Client Consultants can help you
create a sophisticated contemporary style in your own home that looks great but also
works with your lifestyle and your budget. The trick is to keep things simple. Think
clean lines and a simple colour palette, and then add pops of personality, colour and
warmth through your fittings and furnishings…

Here’s our top 10 style tips to get you started:

  • Do your research – just because it looks great online, doesn’t mean its
    practical (or comfortable) so read reviews, ask questions and always go into
    an outlet to see if you can see/touch/feel/sit/hold the product and talk to the
    sales rep to make sure that its going to work for you and your family.
  • Don’t be afraid! – but think creatively. If for example, you’ve always loved the
    look of a crisp white sofa, but hesitate because of your kids/dogs/love of red
    wine, make sure you look for one that has removable covers that can be
    washed. This way you can have the look you’ve always wanted, but bring
    home a practical solution that you’ll be grateful for in the long run!
  • Bring on the timber! – timber accents are the key! Whether this comes
    through in your flooring or your choice of coffee table, side table or pendant
    light – popping in little touches of beautiful warm timber is an important part of
    your contemporary style, as too much white without the softness of timber can
    make your home feel a bit cold and clinical.
  • Make your floor your feature – if you haven’t built your home yet, or are looking
    to update your flooring, herringbone parquetry is simply ah-maze-ing and brings
    depth and excitement to an otherwise average-looking space.
  • Cushions, cushions and more cushions!!! – bringing your personality and
    style through to your home is relatively cheap and easy with the perfect
    combination of cushions. Pop them on your bed or on your couch, on those
    lovely accent chairs… or create an inviting pile of floor cushions! For a
    contemporary feel, try pops of green, rust, blue, and tan (and make sure to
    always throw in a few patterned feature cushions to break it all up)!
  • Statement pieces – now, these are one of the keys to having a gloriously contemporary home, but beware! While statement pieces are things that can be easily changed (and contribute significantly to your overall styling) they can be an expensive upgrade in a years’ time when you no longer like them or they’re no longer on trend (and depending on what the piece is, they can be a pain to try and find a place to store them). So put some time and thought into these purchases, and choose something that you really fall in love with. You’ll be pleased you didn’t rush in!
  • Texture – gone are the days of having everything matchy-matchy. With
    contemporary style we have so many beautiful fabrics available to us… so mix
    it up a little! For example, those accent chairs you’ve got your eye on…? Don’t
    buy two that are exactly the same. Try one in a boucle fabric and another in
    velvet or hide to bring in a completely different feel to the space. Trust us, it
  • Feature walls – yes, they’re baaaack!! But thankfully in a different (much
    nicer) way! If you want a contemporary style for your home, consider bringing
    your walls to life by using feature panelling. It’s a fresh new way to instantly
    make your home look fabulous. At Cunic, we absolutely love feature panelling
    in bedrooms, living rooms and kitchens (anywhere really!) – but if you’re
    feeling nervous, why not try it out in your laundry or spare room first. We
    guarantee you’ll love it!
  • Sheer curtains – not only are they ‘so on trend right now,’ sheer curtains look
    amazing and instantly add a sense of floaty opulence to any room – especially
    in your living or dining room. For the best results, have your curtain tracks
    ceiling mounted and hang the curtains so that they ever-so-slightly touch the
  • Keep it clutter-free – one of the things that all contemporary homes have in
    common is that the styling is kept to a minimum. This doesn’t mean you can’t
    display your favourite things… but it does mean you only display your favourite
    things (not everything you own all at once!) Scroll through Pinterest or
    Instagram, or flick through your favourite magazine to get ideas of how items
    are curated or grouped together. Make meaning through colour, textures, or
    themes – just make sure to show off your items in a ‘less is more’ approach!

If you are a home builder and want some fresh ideas or are thinking about how you
can turn one of our House and Land packages into your next contemporary home,
get in touch today to speak to one of the New Home Consultants!

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